Bulk electronic structure of the antiferromagnetic superconducting phase in ErNi2B2C
Bulk Evidence for d-Wave Pairing Symmetry in NCCO Detected by Specific Heat
Bulk Evidence for s-Wave Pairing Symmetry in the n-Type Infinite-Layer Cuprate $Sr_{0.9}La_{0.1}CuO_{2}$
Bulk evidence for single-gap s-wave superconductivity in the intercalated graphite superconductor C$_6$Yb
Bulk Fermi surface and momentum density in heavily doped La$_{2-x}$Sr$_x$CuO$_4$ using high resolution Compton scattering and positron annihilation spectroscopies
Bulk high-Tc superconductors with drilled holes: how to arrange the holes to maximize the trapped magnetic flux ?
Bulk Magnesium Diboride, Mechanical and Superconducting Properties
Bulk superconducting phase with a full energy gap in the doped topological insulator Cu_xBi_2Se_3
Bulk superconductivity and disorder in single crystals of LaFePO
Bulk Superconductivity at 14 K in Single Crystals of Fe1+yTexSe1-x
Bulk Superconductivity at 2.6 K in Undoped RbFe_2As_2
Bunching of fluxons by the Cherenkov radiation in Josephson multilayers