A different explanation of energy-resolved scanning tunnelling results from (Ca2-xNax)CuO2Cl2 than that suggested by Hanaguri et al (2009)
A dilute mixture of atoms and molecules
A directional specific heat study on the gap structure of overdoped Ba(Fe$_{1-x}$Co$_{x}$)$_{2}$As$_{2}$
A Directly Coupled Superconducting Quantum Interference Device Magnetometer Fabricated in Magnesium Diboride by Focused Ion Beam
A Displacive Structural Transformation in the CuO_2 Planes of YBa_2Cu_3O_x at the Underdoped-Overdoped Phase Separation Line
A distinct bosonic mode in an electron-doped high-transition-temperature superconductor
A doping dependent specific heat study of the superconducting gap in Ba(Fe$_{1-x}$Co$_{x}$)$_{2}$As$_{2}$
A dual point description of mesoscopic superconductors
A dynamical mean-field theory approach to superconductivity and antiferromagnetism in a strongly correlated electron system
A dynamical study of phase fluctuations and their critical slowing down in amorphous superconducting films
A Fast Semi-Implicit Finite Difference Method for the TDGL Equations
A Fidelity Study of the Superconducting Phase Diagram in the 2D Single-band Hubbard Model
A Finite-temperature First-principles Approach to Spin Fluctuation in BaFe_2As_2
A first principles study on FeAs single layers
A fixed tuned broadband matching structure for submillimeter SIS receivers
A Four-Unit-Cell Periodic Pattern of Quasiparticle States Surrounding Vortex Cores in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d
A Fully Quantum Mechanical Model of a SQUID Ring Coupled to an Electromagnetic Field
A gauge invariant derivation of the AC Josephson frequency and a reconsideration of the origin of the phase of the order-parameter
A general interpolation scheme for thermal fluctuations in superconductors
A general scaling relation for the critical current density in Nb3Sn