Velocity correlations in dense granular flows
Velocity dependence of atomic-scale friction: a comparative study of the one- and two-dimensional Tomlinson model
Velocity of vortices in inhomogeneous Bose-Einstein condensates
Vibrational dynamics and boson peak in a supercooled polydisperse liquid
Vibronic effects in single molecule conductance: First-principles description and application to benezenealkanethiolates between gold electrodes
Vibronic Lineshapes of PTCDA Oligomers in Helium Nanodroplets
Virial Theorem and Universality in a Unitary Fermi Gas
Virial theorems for trapped cold atoms
Virial theorems for vortex states in a confined Bose-Einstein condensate
Viscoelastic Behavior of Solid $^4$He
Volatility conditional on price trends
Volatility smile and stochastic arbitrage returns
Volume element structure and roton-maxon-phonon excitations in superfluid helium-4 beyond the Gross-Pitaevskii approximation
Vortex core contribution to textural energy in 3He-B below 0.4Tc
Vortex core switching by coherent excitation with single in-plane magnetic field pulses
Vortex creation during magnetic trap manipulations of spinor Bose-Einstein condensates
Vortex density spectrum of quantum turbulence
Vortex density waves and high-frequency second sound in superfluid turbulence hydrodynamics
Vortex distribution in the Lowest Landau Level
Vortex dynamics in rotating counterflow and plane Couette and Poiseuille turbulence in superfluid Helium