Oblique launching of optical surface waves by a subwavelength slit
Observation and resonant x-ray optical interpretation of multi-atom resonant photoemission effects in O 1s emission from NiO
Observation of a 2D Bose-gas: from thermal to quasi-condensate to superfluid
Observation of a first order phase transition in fluid iron at pressures of 3 to 5 GPa
Observation of a Griffiths-like phase in the paramagnetic regime of ErCo_2
Observation of a Long-Range Interaction between Semiconductor Quantum Dots
Observation of a quenched moment of inertia in a rotating strongly interacting Fermi gas
Observation of an Efimov-like resonance in ultracold atom-dimer scattering
Observation of an unusual equilibrium in the molecular nano-magnet Fe_8
Observation of Anomalous Spin Segregation in a Trapped Fermi Gas
Observation of bright polariton solitons in a semiconductor microcavity
Observation of Classical Rotational Inertia and Nonclassical Supersolid Signals in Solid 4He below 250 mK
Observation of Coherent Precession of Magnetization in Superfluid 3He A-phase
Observation of deviations from ideal gas thermodynamics in a trapped Bose-Einstein condensed gas
Observation of dipole-dipole interaction in a degenerate quantum gas
Observation of discrete energy levels in a quantum confined system
Observation of Faraday Waves in a Bose-Einstein Condensate
Observation of Fermi Polarons in a Tunable Fermi Liquid of Ultracold Atoms
Observation of Feshbach resonances in an ultracold gas of ${}^{52}$Cr
Observation of Feshbach-like resonances in collisions between ultracold molecules