P-band in a rotating optical lattice
p-wave Feshbach molecules
p-Wave Interactions in Low-Dimensional Fermionic gases
Pacifying the Fermi-liquid: battling the devious fermion signs
Pair condensation of bosonic atoms induced by optical lattices
Pair correlated atoms with a twist
Pair correlations of scattered atoms from two colliding Bose-Einstein Condensates: Perturbative Approach
Pair Distribution Function of a Square-Well Fluid
Pair dynamics in the formation of molecules in a Bose-Einstein condensate
Pair Excitations and Vertex Corrections in Fermi Fluids
Pair formation and collapse in imbalanced Fermion populations with unequal masses
Pair-Breaking in Rotating Fermi Gases
Pair-supersolid phase in a bilayer system of dipolar lattice bosons
Paired states in spin-imbalanced atomic Fermi gases in one dimension
Pairing and Phase Separation in a Polarized Fermi Gas
Pairing based cooling of Fermi gases
Pairing fluctuations and the superfluid density through the BCS-BEC crossover
Pairing mean-field theory for the dynamics of dissociation of molecular Bose-Einstein condensates
Pairing of a trapped resonantly-interacting fermion mixture with unequal spin populations
Pairing Symmetry in the Anisotropic Fermi Superfluid under p-wave Feshbach Resonance