Hahn echo and criticality in spin-chain systems
Half-vortices in polariton condensates
Hall conductivity in the presence of spin-orbit interaction and disorder
Hall Effect of Light
Hanbury Brown Twiss effect for ultracold quantum gases
Hard Core Bosons on the Triangular Lattice at Zero Temperature: A Series Expansion Study
Hard-core bosons on optical superlattices: Dynamics and relaxation in the superfluid and insulating regimes
Harmonic oscillator model for current- and field-driven magnetic vortices
Harmonic oscillators in the Nosé - Hoover thermostat
Harmonic Stability Analysis of the 2D Square and Hexagonal Bravais Lattices for a Finite--Ranged Repulsive Pair Potential. Consequence for a 2D System of Ultracold Composite Bosons
Harvesting graphics power for MD simulations
Has Metallic Hydrogen Been Made in a Diamond Anvil Cell?
He-LiF surface potential from fast atom diffraction under grazing incidence
Heat Capacity of a Strongly-Interacting Fermi Gas
Heat Capacity of a Strongly-Interacting Fermi Gas
Heat capacity of a thin membrane at very low temperature
Heat capacity of p-H2-p-D2-Ne solid solution: Effect of (p-D2)Ne clusters
Heat capacity peak in solid 4He: Effects of disorder and 3He impurities
Heating and atom loss during upward ramps of Feshbach resonance levels in Bose-Einstein condensates
Heavily Damped Motion of One-Dimensional Bose Gases in an Optical Lattice