Unitary polarized Fermi gas under adiabatic rotation
Universal 1+2-body bound states in planar atomic wave guides
Universal bad news principle and pricing of options on dividend-paying assets
Universal behavior of a trapped Fermi superfluid in the BCS-unitarity crossover
Universal Critical Velocity for the Onset of Turbulence of Oscillatory Superfluid Flow
Universal Fermi Gas with Two- and Three-Body Resonances
Universal Fermi gases in mixed dimensions
Universal local versus unified global scaling laws in the statistics of seismicity
Universal mechanism of dissipation in Fermi superfluids at ultra low temperatures
Universal nonequilibrium quantum dynamics in imaginary time
Universal Nonlinear Filtering Using Feynman Path Integrals I: The Continuous-Discrete Model with Additive Noise
Universal Nonlinear Filtering Using Feynman Path Integrals II: The Continuous-Continuous Model with Additive Noise
Universal onset of quantum turbulence in oscillating flows and crossover to steady flows
Universal photocurrent-voltage characteristics of dye sensitized nanocrystalline TiO$_2$ photoelectrochemical cells
Universal properties of a trapped two-component Fermi gas at unitarity
Universal Properties of the Four-Boson System in Two Dimensions
Universal Properties of Two-Dimensional Boson Droplets
Universal Scaling of the Conductivity at the Superfluid-Insulator Phase Transition
Universal shapes of self-organized semiconductor quantum dots
Universality Constraints on Three-Body Recombination for Cold Atoms: from 4He to 133Cs