Laser cooling all the way down to Fermi superfluid
Laser oscillation in a strongly coupled single quantum dot-nanocavity system
Laser probing of single-particle energy gap of a Bose gas in an optical lattice in the Mott insulator phase
Laser Pulse Amplification with Bose-Einstein Condensates
Laser tweezers for atomic solitons
Laser Welfare: First Steps in Econodynamic Engineering
Laser-Cooling of Liquid Water by the Ar-Xe Laser Radiation
Laser-induced solid-solid phase transition in As under pressure: A theoretical prediction
Lattice bosons in quartic confinement
Lattice distortion in hcp rare gas solids
Lattice dynamic theory of compressed rare-gases crystals in the deformed atom model
Lattice dynamical analogies and differences between SrTiO3 and EuTiO3 revealed by phonon-dispersion relations and double-well potentials
Lattice solitons in quasicondensates
Lattice two-body problem with arbitrary finite range interactions
Layer-resolved imaging of domain wall interactions in magnetic tunnel junction-like trilayers
Lead clusters: different potentials, different structures
Leading corrections to local approximations
Lectures on Fröhlich Polarons from 3D to 0D - including detailed theoretical derivations
Length-dependent resistance model for a single-wall Carbon nanotube
Level crossing in the three-body problem for strongly interacting fermions in a harmonic trap