Semiclassical propagation of Wigner functions
Semiclassical statistico-dynamical description of polyatomic photo-dissociations: State-resolved distributions
Semiclassical theory of vibrational energy relaxation
Semiclassical treatment of atom-asymmetric rotor collisions - Rotational excitation of formaldehyde at low energies
Sensitivity Amplification in the Phosphorylation-Dephosphorylation Cycle: Nonequilibrium steady states, chemical master equation and temporal cooperativity
Sensitivity of Transitions in Internal Rotor Molecules to a Possible Variation of the Proton-to-Electron Mass Ratio
Sensitivity to a possible variation of the Proton-to-Electron Mass Ratio of Torsion-Wagging-Rotation Transitions in Methylamine (CH3NH2)
Sequence Dependence in an Off-Lattice Model for Protein Folding
Sequence Dependence of Self-Interacting Random Chains
Shannon information increase and rescue in friction
Shock temperature measurements of planetary ices - NH3, CH4, and 'synthetic Uranus'
Shock-Tube Measurement of Dissociation Rates of Hydrogen
Short-range exchange and correlation energy density functionals: beyond the local density approximation
Significant Role of DNA Backbone in Mediating the Transition Origin of Electronic Excitations of B-DNA - Implication from Long Range Corrected TDDFT and Quantified NTO Analysis
SiH: Λ doubling and ``core polarization''
Simple Evaluation of Franck-Condon Factors and Non-Condon Effects in the Morse Potential
Simple quantitative estimate of the derivative discontinuity of the exchange-correlation functional in atoms and molecules
Simulation of geometric and electronic degrees of freedom using a kink-based path integral formulation: application to molecular systems
Simulation of spherulite growth using a comprehensive approach to modeling the first-order isotropic/smectic-A mesophase transition
Simulation of Time-Resolved Vibronic Spectra and the possibility of analyzing molecules with similar apectral properties