Harmonically trapped jellium
Harmonium as a laboratory for mathematical chemistry
Hazards Induced by Breach of Liquid Rocket Fuel Tanks: Conditions and Risks of Cryogenic Liquid Hydrogen-Oxygen Mixture Explosions
He Scattering from Compact Clusters and from Diffusion-Limited Aggregates on Surfaces: Observable Signatures of Structure
He Scattering from Random Adsorbates, Disordered Compact Islands and Fractal Submonolayers: Intensity Manifestations of Surface Disorder
Heat capacities of elastic solids
Heats of formation of perchloric acid, HClO$_4$, and perchloric anhydride, Cl$_2$O$_7$. Probing the limits of W1 and W2 theory
Heavy atom quantum diffraction by scattering from surfaces
Heavy atom tunneling in chemical reactions: study of H + LiF collisions
Helium Clusters Capture of Heliophobes, Strong Depletion and Spin dependent Pick-up Statistics
Helium nanodroplet isolation ro-vibrational spectroscopy: methods and recent results
Henry's law and gas phase disappearance
Henry's Law Constants of Methane, Nitrogen, Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide in Ethanol from 273 to 498 K: Prediction from Molecular Simulation
Heterogeneous nucleation - current transients under chemical reaction control
Hierarchical Construction of Finite Diabatic Sets, By Mathieu Functions
High Accuracy Measurements on the Ground State Rotational Spectrum of Formaldehyde (H2CO) up to 2 THz
High Resolution Fourier Transform Spectroscopy of Transient Species on the Far Infrared "ailes" Beamline of Soleil Synchrotron.
High resolution infrared spectrum of methyleneimine, CH2NH, in the 3 micron region
High-level ab initio potential energy surfaces and vibrational energies of H2CS
High-resolution infrared spectra of v sub 3 and 2v sub 3 of germane