Observation and analysis of high-J o1-e1 inter-state transitions in CH2DOH
Observation of Above-Threshold Dissociation of Na$_2^+$ in Intense Laser Fields
Observation of multiple ionization pathways for OCS in an intense laser field resolved by three-dimensional covariance mapping and visualized by hierarchical ionization topology
Observation of optical chemical shift by precision nuclear spin optical rotation measurements and calculations
Observation of scalar nuclear spin-spin coupling in van der Waals molecules
Observation of Selective Isotope Effect in the Ultraviolet excitation of N2: A Computational Study
Observation of the 5p Rydberg states of sulfur difluoride radical by resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization spectroscopy
Observation of the fine structure for rovibronic spectral lines in visible part of emission spectra of $D_2$
Observation of the ND A 3—X 3- Δv= +1 sequence
Observation of the nu 1 fundamental band of DCNH +
Observation of thiohydroxy-hydroxy-carbene [HS_C_OH] when searching for thionformic acid [HC(==S) OH] in the gas phase
OEP calculations using Slater-type basis functions: atoms and diatomic molecules
Off-center defects in crystals revisited: dynamic features
Off-center impurity in alkali halides: reorientation, electric polarization and pairing to F center. II. In-plane rotation and polarizability
Off-center impurity in alkali halides: reorientation, electric polarization and pairing to F center. III. Numerical calculations
Off-center impurity in alkali halides: reorientation, electric polarization and pairing to F center. IV. Reorientational rate
On a complementary scale of crystal-field strength
On a Thomas-Fermi model of "hollow" atom
On an "interaction by moments" property of four center integrals
On Calculation of Thermal Conductivity from Einstein Relation in Equilibrium MD