On the feasibility of nanocrystal imaging using intense and ultrashort 1.5 Å X-ray pulses
On the genealogy of a population of biparental individuals
On the Helix-coil Transition in Alanine-based Polypeptides in Gas Phase
On the Influence of Weak Magnetic and Electric Fields on the Fluctuations of Ionic Electric Currents in Blood Circulation
On the Kinematics of Protein Folding
On the lipid-bacterial protein interaction studied by quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation, transmission electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy
On the nonlinear dynamics of topological solitons in DNA
On the origin of plankton patchiness
On the origin of the deviation from the first order kinetics in inactivation of microbial cells by pulsed electric fields
On the Possibility of Large Upconversions and Mode Coupling between Frohlich States and Visible Photons in Biological Systems
On the Post-Peak Structural Response due to Softening with Localization
On the Pseudo-Schrödinger Equation approximation of the Transfer-Integral operator for 1-dimensional DNA models
On the remote interaction of biological objects with identical genetic structures
On the Selection and Evolution of Regulatory DNA Motifs
On the Swimming of \textit{Dictyostelium} amoebae
On the Theory of Dielectric Spectroscopy of Protein Solutions
On the trajectories and performance of Infotaxis, an information-based greedy search algorithm
On the writhe of non-closed curves
On-chip manipulation of magnetic nanoparticles through domain walls conduits
One way to Characterize the compact structures of lattice protein model