Hill's Small Systems Nanothermodynamics: A Simple Macromolecular Partition Problem with a Statistical Perspective
Homochirality through Photon-Induced Melting of RNA/DNA: the Thermodynamic Dissipation Theory of the Origin of Life
How cells tiptoe on adhesive surfaces before sticking
How is the Monoclonal Antibodies Kinetic Affected by Changes of Their Physical Parameters?
How Many Genes Are Needed for a Discriminant Microarray Data Analysis ?
How proteins squeeze through polymer networks: a Cartesian lattice study
How target waves emerge in population dynamics
How the diffusivity profile reduces the arbitrariness of protein folding free energies
How the DNA sequence affects the Hill curve of transcriptional response
How wing compliance drives the efficiency of self-propelled flapping flyers
Human sperm cells swimming in micro-channels
Hydration of Krypton and Consideration of Clathrate Models of Hydrophobic Effects from the Perspective of Quasi-Chemical Theory
Hydrodynamic correlations in the translocation of biopolymer through a nanopore: theory and multiscale simulations
Hydrodynamic flow patterns and synchronization of beating cilia
Hydrodynamic phase-locking of swimming microorganisms
Hydrosomes: Optically trapped femtoliter containers for single molecule studies and microfluidics