Detrended Fluctuation Analysis of Autoregressive Processes
Detrended Fluctuation Analysis of Systolic Blood Pressure Control Loop
Developing Mathematics for Insight into Sensorimotor Neurobiology
Development of conductometric biosensors based on alkaline phosphatases for the water quality control
Different mechanics of snap-trapping in the two closely related carnivorous plants Dionaea muscipula and Aldrovanda vesiculosa
Different Particle Sizes Obtained from Static and Dynamic Laser Light Scattering
Differential Dynamic Microscopy: a High-Throughput Method for Characterizing the Motility of Microorganism
Diffusion entropy analysis on the stride interval fluctuation of human gait
Diffusion properties of single FoF1-ATP synthases in a living bacterium unraveled by localization microscopy
Diffusion-controlled generation of a proton-motive force across a biomembrane
Diffusion-limited unbinding of small peptides from PDZ domains
Dihedral-angle Gaussian distribution driving protein folding
Dimensions of fractals related to languages defined by tagged strings in complete genomes
Dimerization-assisted energy transport in light-harvesting complexes
Dipolar response of hydrated proteins
Direct measurement of cell wall stress-stiffening and turgor pressure in live bacterial cells
Direct measurement of the correlated dynamics of the protein-backbone and proximal waters of hydration in mechanically strained elastin
Direct measurement of the flow field around swimming microorganisms
Directed destabilization of lysozyme in protic ionic liquids reveals a compact, low energy, soluble, reversibly-unfolding (pre-fibril) state
Directed Ligand Passage Over the Surface of Diffusion-Controlled Enzymes: A Cellular Automata Model