87Rb-87Sr studies of waters in a geothermal area: The Cantal, France
87Sr enrichment of ophiolitic sulphide deposits in Cyprus confirms ore formation by circulating seawater
87Sr/86Sr ratios in hydrothermal waters and deposits from the East Pacific Rise at 21°N
89 Herculis - Further misdemeanors
9.5 Million Variable Star Observations Coming to You by 2005!
95 GHz methanol masers near DR 21 and DR 21(OH)
95Mo(n,α) cross section from 1 eV to 500 keV: A test of the α+nucleus optical potential used in calculating reaction rates for explosive nucleosynthesis
<formula>H2O adsorption on smectites: Applicat on to the diurnal variation of <formula>H2O in the Martian atmosphere
<u>Afekan Crater, Titan: Estimation of Impact Conditions.</u>
A "Dry" Versus a "Wet" Moon. The Effect of Potential Indigenous Water on the Composition of Lunar Volcanic Gases and Sublimates
A "Planet Finder" instrument for the ESO VLT
A 'blue' cluster of galaxies
A 'private adventure'? John Herschel's Cape voyage and the production of the 'Cape Results'
A 0.4-2.5 μm spectroscopic investigation of Triton's two faces
A 0535+26 Begins Outburst
A 1,000-year, annually-resolved record of hurricane activity from Boston, Massachusetts
A 12CO Survey of Molecular Clouds in the Inner LMC
A 14 MeV neutron spectrometer for the Joint European Torus deuterium-tritium experiments
A 154 day periodicity in the occurrence rate of proton flares
A 1600-Year History of the Labrador Current off Nova Scotia