Synthetic fluid inclusions: XII. The system H 2 O---NaCl. Experimental determination of the halite liquidus and isochores for a 40 wt% NaCl solution
Synthetic fluid inclusions: XIII. Experimental determination of PVT properties in the system H 2 O+ 40 wt % NaCl + 5 mol% C0 2 at elevated temperature and pressure
Synthetic H 2 O---CO 2 fluid inclusions in spontaneously nucleated forsterite, enstatite, and diopside hosts: The method and applications
Synthetic Light Curves of Spotted Stars: Unique or Not Unique?
Synthetic Mean Colors for RR Lyrae Variables
Synthetic P wave seismograms from Longshot, Milrow and Cannikin explosions
Synthetic Spectra of Elliptical Galaxies
Synthetic Spectra of Simulated Terrestrial Atmospheres Containing Possible Biomarker Gases
Synthetic Spectral Analysis of Three Heavily Reddened Dwarf Novae Above the Period Gap
Synthetic Spectral Ananlysis of the Nova-Like Variable KQ Mon
Synthetic Stellar Lick Indices as a Function of Elemental Abundances
Synthetic tomography of plume clusters and thermochemical piles
Syrtis Major, Mars: Geology, Morphology and Topography Based on new MOLA and MOC Data
System analysis for the near-infrared camera and multiobject spectrometer cryogenic and structural design
System design and technology development for the Terrestrial Planet Finder infrared interferometer
System electronics for EUSO
System Fe-MgO-SiO 2 -O 2 with applications to terrestrial rocks and meteorites
System for orbital recovery of space shuttle's external tank
System for precise temperature sensing and thermal control of borosilicate honeycomb mirrors during polishing and testing
System of Quartzmetres and the Absolute Length of its Gauges