Photometric Monitoring of Bright Be Stars. IV. 1996-1999
Photometric monitoring of IU Aurigae
Photometric observation and analysis of the close binary system BO Pegasi
Photometric Observations of Earth-impacting 2008 TC3
Photometric observations of Earth-impacting asteroid 2008 TC3
Photometric observations of facular contrasts near the solar limb
Photometric Observations of Minor Planets at ESO - 1976-1979
Photometric observations of RS Canum Venaticorum stars
Photometric Observations of the Near-Earth Asteroids 1999 AP10 2000 TO64, 2000 UJ1, 2000 XK44, 2001 MZ7, 2003 QO104, 2005 RQ6, 2005 WJ56, and 2009 UN3
Photometric Observations of Two Cool Stars: HD 17025 and HD 38392
Photometric observations of two Novae in Cygnus
Photometric parameters, distance and period-colour study of contact binary stars in the globular cluster ω Centauri
Photometric Performance of the Wyoming Infrared Observatory Prime-focus, Near-infrared Camera
Photometric Periodicities in Magellanic Cloud Be/Neutron Star Binaries
Photometric Periods of SMC Be/X-ray Pulsars
Photometric Phase Variations of Long-Period Eccentric Planets
Photometric precision needed for planetary detection
Photometric Precision of Backside-Illuminated CCD Arrays
Photometric processing of panoramas of the Venusian surface
Photometric profile of the four rings of Saturn along their major axis from two-dimensional scans of photographs of the planet - The measurements