Phosphides and P-rich Sulfides in the Mighei (CM) Chondrite
Phosphine Mixing Ratios and Eddy Mixing Coefficients in the Troposphere of Saturn
Phosphorescence caused by Active Nitrogen
Phosphorian Sulfides from Banten and Boriskino CM Chondrites
Phosphorous- and Potassium-bearing Iron-Nickel Sulfides in Boriskino CM Carbonaceous Chondrite
Phosphorus -- A potential low-temperature cooling-rate indicator
Phosphorus accumulation rates in metalliferous sediments on the East Pacific Rise
Phosphorus burial as a function of paleoproductivity and redox conditions in Arabian Sea sediments
Phosphorus fractionation diagram as a quantitative indicator of crystallization differentiation of basaltic liquids
Phosphorus geochemistry of equatorial Pacific sediments
Phosphorus in sediments of the Amazon River and estuary: Implications for the global flux of phosphorus to the sea
Phosphorylation of Nucleotide Molecules in Hydrothermal Environments
Photinos from cosmic sources
Photo Z: A Real Research Project for Undergraduate Non-Majors
Photo-oxidation of hydrated Fe2+-significance for banded iron formations
Photo-polarization study of lunar samples: Negative branch
Photoacoustic Oscillations
Photobleaching of the photosensitizers octa-<alpha>-butyloxy-zincphthalocyanine and 132-hydroxy-bacteriopheophorbide-a-methylester
Photocathode Granularity Maps for Grating G140L of the GHRS
Photochemical and thermal modeling in the early atmosphere of the earth