Kinematic dynamo model consisting of three spherical vortices. I
Kinematic dynamo properties of a quasigeostrophic flow in a rotating sphere.
Kinematic effects due to galaxy interactions within a cluster of galaxies.
Kinematic Evidence for Propagating Star Formation Induced by OB Associations
Kinematic field of the S-shaped nebula N119 in the LMC
Kinematic History of Nearby Young Stars
Kinematic mapping of the high-excitation gas in NGC 1365
Kinematic Mass Measurements of Inner and Outer Spiral Disks
Kinematic Mass Measurements of Inner and Outer Spiral Disks
Kinematic modelling of the NLR of NGC1068
Kinematic Models of the Narrow-Line Regions in the Seyfert galaxies NGC 4151 and NGC 1068: No Evidence for Jet-Driven Acceleration
Kinematic optimization of upgrade to the Hobby-Eberly Telescope through novel use of commercially available three-dimensional CAD package
Kinematic structure of planetary nebulae. I - The highly evolved nebula Abell 30. II - The Eskimo, NGC 2392
Kinematic structure of the 30 Doradus giant H II region
Kinematic study of open clusters (Vande Putte+, 2010)
Kinematical and Physical Properties of the Central Emission Regions of Active Galaxy Mrk 817
Kinematical Relativity
Kinematical Results for NGC2841, NGC4552, and M87
Kinematical Structure of Wolf-Rayet Winds. I.Terminal Wind Velocity
Kinematically complete measurement of the 1H(18F,p)18F excitation function for the astrophysically important 7.08-MeV state in 19Ne