K-spectra of low frequency fluctuations in laboratory plasma simulating conditions of equatorial spread-F
K-Th-Ti systematics and new three-component mixing model of HED meteorites: Prospective study for interpretation of gamma-ray and neutron spectra for the Dawn mission
K/Th in Achondrites and Interpretation of GRaND Data for the Dawn Mission
Kac-Moody symmetries of Kaluza-Klein theories
Kalman filtering for GPS/magnetometer integrated navigation system
Kaluza-Klein ansatz for quadratic-curvature theory. A geometrical way to mass hierarchy
Kaluza-Klein cosmology.
Kant's View of Space
Kantowski-Sachs universes with counter-rotating dust
Kaon Production at MiniBooNE
Karin cluster formation by asteroid impact
KASCADE-Grande: An overview and first results
Kashima 34m Radio Telescope
KATE-140 and MKF-6M space cameras
Keck Deimos Of Agn Out To Z = 5.4 In The Cosmos Survey
Keck HIRES Chemical Compositions of Metal-Poor Sgr dSph and Inner Halo Globular Cluster Stars
Keck HIRES Observations of Lithium in Low Mass Pleiades Stars
Keck HIRES spectroscopy of M92 subgiants - Surprising abundances near the turnoff
Keck Infrared Observations of Jupiter's Ring System