JASMINE: constructor of the dynamical structure of the Galactic bulge
Java and High Performance Computing Experiences from Gaia Data Processing
Java-based Multi-wavelength Astronomical Image Service ON-line
JCMT observatory control system
JCMT Science Archive: Advanced Heterodyne Data Products Pipeline
Jean-Charles Houzeau and the 1882 Belgian Transit of Venus Expeditions
Jeans instabilities in quantum dusty plasmas
Jeans Instability Criteria and the Formation of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 Fragments
JEREMI- Jovian Electron Radiation Environment for Mission Investigation
Jeremiah Horrocks, William Crabtree, and the Lancashire observations of the transit of Venus of 1639
Jerks in secular geomagnetic variations during 1930-1980
Jerks in the secular geomagnetic variations in the period 1930 -1980.
Jet Activity in Comet 9P/Tempel 1 as Seen by Stardust-NExT
Jet and cloud formation on Jupiter
Jet Associated with the Highly Obscured Star Formation Region, CEP A
Jet breaks at the end of the plateau phase of Swift GRB lightcurves
Jet Collimation in Active Galactic Nuclei
Jet Kinematics and Beaming in Radio-Selected Gamma-Ray Blazars
Jet Kinematics of a Complete Blazar Sample
Jet Models of X-Ray Flashes