Can the problem of origin of gamma-ray bursts be solved?
Can the solar system planetary motion be used to forecast the multidecadal variability of climate?
Can the Sub-millimetre Background Radiation be Cosmological?
Can the Velocity Dispersion Profiles of Satellite Galaxies Distinguish Between NFW and Isothermal Halos?
Can the Weddell Sea anomaly and related phenomena be explained by conjugate effects?
Can the Yarkovsky effect significantly influence the main-belt size distribution?
Can Tidal Disruption of Asteroids Make Crater Chains on Earth?
Can ULF fluctuations observed at the magnetopause play a role in anomalous diffusion?
Can Venus be transformed into an earth-like planet
Can we consider the Arctic Oscillation independently from the Barents Oscillation?
Can we understand Alfvénic turbulence via simulations of the MHD equations?
Can we Use Metastable Helium to Trace the Cosmic-Ray Ionization Rate?
Can WIMP Spin Dependent Couplings Explain DAMA?
Canada's longterm space plan and ISY activities
Canadian Arctic Meteorite Search: 1981
Canadian Entry Requirements for Attendees of 2004 Joint Assembly
Canadian fireball activity from 1962 to 1989
Canali-forming Magmas: Generation of Carbonate-Sulfate Melts on Venus
Canard orbits in Fabry-Perot cavities induced by radiation pressure and photothermal effects
Cancellation of laser noise in an unequal-arm interferometer detector of gravitational radiation