Wave Number of Maximal Growth in Viscous Magnetic Fluids of Arbitrary Depth
Wave packet autocorrelation functions for quantum hard-disk and hard-sphere billiards in the high-energy, diffraction regime
Wave particle duality: Merging de Broglie's ''double solution'' waves into (3+0)D electromagnetic solitons
Wave patterns within the generalized convection-reaction-diffusion equation
Wave Propagation in Nonlocally Coupled Oscillators With Noise
Wave Solutions of Evolution Equations and Hamiltonian Flows on Nonlinear Subvarieties of Generalized Jacobians
Wave Structures and Nonlinear Balances in a Family of 1+1 Evolutionary PDEs
Wave turbulence and vortices in Bose-Einstein condensation
Wave turbulence served up on a plate
Wave turbulent statistics in non-weak wave turbulence
Wave-function entropy and dynamical-symmetry breaking in the interacting boson model
Wave-number dependence of the transitions between traveling and standing vortex waves and their mixed states in the Taylor-Couette system
Wave-number Selection by Target Patterns and Side Walls in Rayleigh-Benard Convection
Wave-Packet Scattering off the Kink-Solution
Wavefunction localization and its semiclassical description in a 3-dimensional system with mixed classical dynamics
Wavefunction statistics in open chaotic billiards
Wavefunction Statistics using Scar States
Wavefunctions, Green's functions and expectation values in terms of spectral determinants
Waveguiding properties of optical vortex solitons
Wavelength Scaling and Square/Stripe and Grain Mobility Transitions in Vertically Oscillated Granular Layers