From Discrete to Continuous Painlevé Equations: A Bilinear Approach
From dispersionless to soliton systems via Weyl-Moyal like deformations
From Generalized Synchrony to Topological Decoherence: Emergent Sets in Coupled Chaotic Systems
From Grad-Shafranov equations set to a pseudo-general form of the non-linear Schroedinger equation
From KP/UC hierarchies to Painleve equations
From Labyrinthine Patterns to Spiral Turbulence
From Laurent Series to Exact Meromorphic Solutions: the Kawahara equation
From Lyapunov modes to the exponents for hard disk systems
From Metaphors To Equations: How Can We Find The Good Ones?
From Neuron to Neural Networks dynamics
From nonassociativity to solutions of the KP hierarchy
From nonlocal gap solitary waves to bound states in periodic media
From nothing to something: discrete integrable systems
From one- to two-dimensional solitons in the Ginzburg-Landau model of lasers with frequency selective feedback
From Phase Space Representation to Amplitude Equations in a Pattern Forming Experiment
From quasiperiodicity to high-dimensional chaos without intermediate low-dimensional chaos
From Stäckel systems to integrable hierarchies of PDE's: Benenti class of separation relations
From synchronization to Lyapunov exponents and back
From synchronization to multistability in two coupled quadratic maps
From template analysis to generating partitions I: Periodic orbits, knots and symbolic encodings