Fractal Spectrum of a Quasi_periodically Driven Spin System
Fractal Stability Border in Plane Couette Flow
Fractal stabilization of Wannier-Stark resonances
Fractal Stationary Density in Coupled Maps
Fractal structures of normal and anomalous diffusion in nonlinear nonhyperbolic dynamical systems
Fractal tracer distributions in turbulent field theories
Fractal Weyl law for chaotic microcavities: Fresnel's laws imply multifractal scattering
Fractal Weyl law for three-dimensional chaotic hard-sphere scattering systems
Fractal Weyl laws for chaotic open systems
Fractality of deterministic diffusion in the nonhyperbolic climbing sine map
Fractalization of Torus Revisited as a Strange Nonchaotic Attractor
Fractals and dynamical chaos in a random 2D Lorentz gas with sinks
Fractals in Linear Ordinary Differential Equations
Fractals of the Julia and Mandelbrot sets of the Riemann Zeta Function
Fractional and fractal derivatives modeling of turbulence
Fractional Derivative as Fractional Power of Derivative
Fractional differentiability of nowhere differentiable functions and dimensions
Fractional Dissipative Standard Map
Fractional dynamics of coupled oscillators with long-range interaction
Fractional dynamics of systems with long-range interaction