Detecting Generalized Synchronization of Chaotic Dynamical Systems: A Kernel-based Method and Choice of Its Parameter
Detecting irregular orbits in gravitational N-body simulations
Detecting local synchronization in coupled chaotic systems
Detecting Nonlinearity in Data with Long Coherence Times
Detecting nonlinearity in multivariate time series
Detecting Nonlinearity in Pressure Data Inside the Draft Tube of a Real Francis Turbine
Detecting Order and Chaos by the Linear Dependence Index (LDI) Method
Detecting order and chaos in Hamiltonian systems by the SALI method
Detecting synchronization in spatially extended discrete systems by complexity measurements
Detecting synchronization of self-sustained oscillators by external driving with varying frequency
Detecting unstable periodic spatio-temporal states of spatial extended chaotic systems
Detection and construction of an elliptic solution to the complex cubic-quintic Ginzburg-Landau equation
Detection of Aliasing in Persistent Signals
Detection of Coherent Vorticity Structures using Time-Scale Resolved Acoustic Spectroscopy
Detection of fixed points in spatiotemporal signals by clustering method
Detection of Nonlinear Coupling and its Application to Cardiorespiratory Interaction
Detection of synchronised chaos in coupled map networks using symbolic dynamics
Detection of synchronization from univariate data using wavelet transform
Determinant formula for the six-vertex model with reflecting end
Determinant Formulas for the Toda and Discrete Toda Equations