Design principle of multi-cluster and desynchronized states in oscillatory media via nonlinear global feedback
Design strategies for the creation of aperiodic nonchaotic attractors
Designable integrability of the variable coefficient nonlinear Schrödinger equation
Designing coupling that guarantees synchronization between identical chaotic systems
Dessins d'Enfants, Their Deformations and Algebraic the Sixth Painlevé and Gauss Hypergeometric Functions
Destabilization and Localization of Traveling Waves by an Advected Field
Destruction of adiabatic invariance at resonances in slow-fast Hamiltonian systems
Destruction of the family of steady states in the planar problem of Darcy convection
Desynchronization bifurcation of coupled nonlinear dynamical systems
Desynchronization of systems of coupled Hindmarsh-Rose oscillators
Desynchronization transitions in nonlinearly coupled phase oscillators
Desynchronized wave patterns in synchronized chaotic regions of coupled map lattices
Detectability of non-differentiable generalized synchrony
Detecting and analysing nonstationarity in a time series with nonlinear cross-predictions
Detecting barrier to cross-jet Lagrangian transport and its destruction in a meandering flow
Detecting barriers to transport: A review of different techniques
Detecting chaos, determining the dimensions of tori and predicting slow diffusion in Fermi--Pasta--Ulam lattices by the Generalized Alignment Index method
Detecting coherent structures using braids
Detecting Determinism in High Dimensional Chaotic Systems
Detecting Generalized Synchronization Between Chaotic Signals: A Kernel-based Approach