Definition of Strange Attractor in Benard problem for Generalized Couette Cell
Deformation and Recursion for the N=2 $α=1$ Supersymmetric KdV-hierarchy
Deformation of a flexible polymer in a random flow with long correlation time
Deformation of surfaces, integrable systems and Self-Dual Yang-Mills equation
Deformation surfaces, integrable systems and Chern - Simons theory
Deformations and dilations of chaotic billiards, dissipation rate, and quasi-orthogonality of the boundary wavefunctions
Deformations of bihamiltonian structures of hydrodynamic type
Deformations of dispersionless KdV hierarchies
Deformations of plane algebraic curves and integrable systems of hydrodynamic type
Deformations of the Monge/Riemann hierarchy and approximately integrable systems
Deformed Harry Dym and Hunter-Zheng Equations
Degasperis-Procesi peakons and the discrete cubic string
Degeneracy: a design principle for achieving robustness and evolvability
Degeneracy: a link between evolvability, robustness and complexity in biological systems
Degenerate dispersive equations arising in the study of magma dynamics
Degenerate Frobenius manifolds and the bi-Hamiltonian structure of rational Lax equations
Delay Induced Instabilities in Self-Propelling Swarms
Delay Induced Oscillations in a Fundamental Power System Model
Delay of Vehicle Motion in Traffic Dynamics
Delay time modulation induced oscillating synchronization and intermittent anticipatory/lag and complete synchronizations in time-delay nonlinear dynamical systems