Dynamical traps and chaotic advection in a meandering jet flow
Dynamical tunneling and control
Dynamical Tunneling in Many-Dimensional Chaotic Systems
Dynamical tunneling in molecules: role of the classical resonances and chaos
Dynamical tunneling in mushroom billiards
Dynamical tunneling in optical cavities
Dynamical zeta functions for Artin's billiard and the Venkov--Zograf factorization formula
Dynamics and computation in functional shifts
Dynamics and Control of Humanoid Robots: A Geometrical Approach
Dynamics and Development of the International System: A Complexity Science Perspective
Dynamics and Pattern Formation in Large Systems of Spatially-Coupled Oscillators with Finite Response Times
Dynamics and Selection of Giant Spirals in Rayleigh-Benard Convection
Dynamics and self-similarity in min-driven clustering
Dynamics and statics of vortices on a plane and a sphere - I
Dynamics and statistics of heavy particles in turbulent flows
Dynamics and symmetries of flow reversals in turbulent convection
Dynamics and Synchrony from Oscillatory Data via Dimension Reduction
Dynamics controlled by additive noise
Dynamics near Resonance Junctions in Hamiltonian Systems
Dynamics near the p : -q Resonance