Determinant Structure of the Rational Solutions for the Painlevé II Equation
Determinant Structure of the Rational Solutions for the Painlevé IV Equation
Determination of a flow generating a neutral magnetic mode
Determination of fractal dimensions of solar radio bursts
Determination of the optimal relaxation parameter in a numerical procedure for solitons propagation
Determination of the proper embedding parameters for noisy time series
Determination of the threshold of the break-up of invariant tori in a class of three frequency Hamiltonian systems
Determining a regular language by glider-based structures called phases fi_1 in Rule 110
Determining functionals for random partial differential equations
Determining possible avenues of approach using ANTS
Deterministic Bak-Sneppen model. Lyapunov spectrum and avalanches as return times
Deterministic Brownian motion generated from differential delay equations
Deterministic Chaos and the Foundations of the Kinetic Theory of Gases
Deterministic chaos in government debt dynamics with mechanistic primary balance rules
Deterministic Chaos in Quantum Field Theory
Deterministic Chaos in Tropical Atmospheric Dynamics
Deterministic diffusion in flower shape billiards
Deterministic diffusion in one-dimensional maps - Calculation of diffusion constants by harmonic inversion of periodic orbit sums
Deterministic Dynamics and Chaos: Epistemology and Interdisciplinary Methodology
Deterministic site exchange cellular automata model for the spread of diseases in human settlements