Cascades and statistical equilibrium in shell models of turbulence
Cascades in helical turbulence
Cascades of energy and helicity in the GOY shell model of turbulence
Cascades of Failure and Extinction in Evolving Complex Systems
Cascades of subharmonic stationary states in strongly non-linear driven planar systems
Cascades, thermalization and eddy viscosity in helical Galerkin truncated Euler flows
Casorati Determinant Form of Dark Soliton Solutions of the Discrete Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation
Casorati Determinant Solution for the Relativistic Toda Lattice Equation
Casorati Determinant Solutions for the Discrete Painlevé-II Equation
Casualty Dynamics in Wars and Terrorism and the Scale-Free Organization of Social Systems
Catalan numbers and power laws in cellular automaton rule 14
Catalytic Reaction Sets, Decay, and the Preservation of Information
Category of nonlinear evolution equations, algebraic structure, and r-matrix
Cause of 1/f Noise: The Surge of Background Energy
Cavity Light Bullets: 3D Localized Structures in a Nonlinear Optical Resonator
Cell Division, Differentiation and Dynamic Clustering
Cell-centric heuristics for the classification of cellular automata
Cell-like space charge configurations formed by selforganization in laboratory
Cellular Automata and Ultra-Discrete Painlevé Equations
Cellular automata model of magnetospheric-ionospheric coupling