Vaisman metrics on solvmanifolds and $d_θ$-cohomology
Vaisman metrics on solvmanifolds and Oeljeklaus-Toma manifolds
Valdivia compact Abelian groups
Valdivia compact groups are products
Valence of complex-valued planar harmonic functions
Valence State Partitioning of Vanadium Between Olivine-Melt in Olivine-Phyric Martian Basalts. Defining the fO2 of the Martian Mantle.
Valeurs algebriques de fonctions transcendantes
Valeurs aux T-uplets d'entiers negatifs de series zetas multivariables associees a des polynomes de plusieurs variables
Validating Ancient Age of the Buried Floor of the Northern Lowlands, Mars
Validating Habitability Assessment of Mars Soils: Life at the Soil-Ice Boundary in the Antarctic Dry Valleys
Validating solar wind prediction models: A large speed enhancement index
Validation of a bulk turbulence model with thermal images of a point source
Validation of a cirrus parameterization with Meteosat Second Generation observations
Validation of a Model of the Domino Effect?
Validation of Candidate Multiple-Transiting Planet Systems and Assessing Possible False Positives based on Photometric Observables
Validation of Mars general circulation models using spectrally resolved data from PFS
Validation of Nighttime LORAAS Instrument Measurements of the 1356-Å Emission
Validation of Planet Candidates without Dynamical Confirmation
Validation of reanalysis upper-level winds in the Arctic with independent rawinsonde data
Validation of the bulk method for overwater optical refractivity