q Analogue of p adic log gamma functions associated with modified q extension of Genocchi numbers with weight alpha and beta
Q and its effect on the observation of upper mantle travel-time branches
q and q,t-Analogs of Non-commutative Symmetric Functions
Q curvature prescription; forbidden functions and the GJMS null space
Q in cosmology
q Statistics on $S_n$ and Pattern Avoidance
q,k-generalized gamma and beta functions
q,t-Catalan numbers and knot homology
q,t-Fuss-Catalan numbers for complex reflection groups
q,t-Fuss-Catalan numbers for finite reflection groups
q-Abel polynomials
q-affine-Yangian double correspondence and free boson representation of Yangian double with arbitrary level
q-Algebras and Arrangements of Hyperplanes
Q-algebroids and their cohomology
q-Analog of Gelfand-Graev Basis for the Noncompact Quantum Algebra U_q(u(n,1))
q-analog of tableau containment
q-Analogs of classical 6-periodicity: from Euler to Chebyshev
q-Analogs of some congruences involving Catalan numbers
q-Analogs of symmetric function operators
q-Analogue of $A_{m-1}\oplus A_{n-1}\subset A_{mn-1}$