B(0,N)-graded Lie superalgebras coordinatized by quantum tori
B(H) lattices, density and arithmetic mean ideals
B(l^p) is never amenable
B-band galaxy counts as a function of morphological type
B-band Type-specific Luminosity Functions of Local Field Galaxies
B-Bounded cohomology and applications
b-coloring graphs with large girth
b-Completion of pseudo-Hermitian manifolds
B-convex operator spaces
B-field transformations of Poisson groupoids
B-Fredholm and Drazin invertible operators through localized SVEP
b-functions and integrable solutions of holonomic D-modules
b-Functions associated with quivers of type A
B-model Topological Strings and 2D Type 0A Strings
B-orbits of 2-nilpotent matrices and generalizations
B-orbits of nilpotent order 2 and link patterns
B-pairs and (phi,Gamma)-modules
B-sequence and approximations of generalized Cohen-Macaulay ideals
B-spline quasi-interpolant representations and sampling recovery of functions with mixed smoothness
b-Stability and blow-ups