O and S isotopic composition of dissolved and attached oxidation products of pyrite by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans: Comparison with abiotic oxidations
O carater de Chern-Connes para C$^*$-sistemas dinamicos calculado em algumas algebras de operadores pseudodiferenciais
O I (7990 A) emission and radiative entrapment of auroral EUV
O the Secular Decrease in the Inclination of Artificial Satellites
O VI Absorption Lines and the IGM Baryon Content
O(n) invariant solutions of Abreu's equation
O, Si and Mg Isotopic Compositions of FUN Inclusion Vigarano 1623-5
o-bounded groups and other topological groups with strong combinatorial properties
o-Boundedness of free objects over a Tychonoff space
o-Boundedness of free topological groups
O-cycles, vertex-oriented graphs, and the four colour theore
O-minimal cohomology and definably compact definable groups
O-minimal cohomology: finiteness and invariance results
O-minimal fields with standard part map
O-minimal homotopy and generalized (co)homology
O-minimal residue fields of o-minimal fields
O-minimal spectra, infinitesimal subgroups and cohomology
O-minimal spectrum
O-operators on associative algebras and dendriform algebras