Lyman Break Galaxies and the Lyman-alpha Forest
Lyman Continuum Emission in Galaxies at z=1.2
Lyman continuum photons emission from hot stars
Lyman Spectroscopy of Hot DA White Dwarfs
Lyman-alpha absorption spectrum of the primordial intergalactic medium
Lyman-alpha Emission From Cosmological Simulations
Lyman-alpha Emitters in the HUDF: A Population of Low Mass, Star Forming Galaxies
Lyman-alpha forests and the evolution of the universe
Lyman-alpha Luminosity Function near the Epoch of Reionization
Lyndon-Shirshov basis and anti-commutative algebras
Lyubeznik numbers of monomial ideals
Lyubeznik numbers of projective schemes
Lyubeznik's invariants for cohomologically isolated singularities
Lyα Emitters at z=3.1 in the Extended CDF-S/GOODS-S Field
L^1 averaging lemma for transport equations with Lipschitz force fields
L^1 Ergodic Theorems for Random Group Averages
L^1-convergence of complex double Fourier series
L^2 Castelnuovo-de Franchis, the cup product lemma, and filtered ends of Kaehler manifolds
L^2 Cohomology on coverings of a compact Kähler manifold
L^2 curvature and volume renormalization of AHE metrics on 4-manifolds