Lunar Selenocentric Navigation Almanac: coordinate systems and physical libration of the multi-layer Moon
Lunar SETI: a justification
Lunar soil characterization consortium analyses: Pyroxene and maturity estimates derived from Clementine image data
Lunar soils grain size catalog
Lunar Spectral and Spatial Dimensionality as Revealed by the Moon Mineralogy Mapper on Chandrayaan-1
Lunar Standstill Markers at Preceramic Temples at the Buena Vista Site in Perú
Lunar stratigraphy
Lunar surface agglutinates: Mapping composition anomalies
Lunar surface aluminum and iron concentration from Galileo solid state imaging data, and the mixing of mare and highland materials
Lunar surface operations. Volume 4: Lunar rover trailer
Lunar Topography Modeling Using Laser Altimetry Data
Lunar UV-visible-IR mapping interferometric spectrometer
Lunar viscosity models
Lunar volcanic glasses and their constraints on mare petrogenesis
Lunar Water: A Brief Review
Lunar-based solar telescope of multi-wavelength
Lunar/Mars exploration for synthesis group
Lune -- Free Knot Graphs
Lung Surface Area Measurements Using Polarized Xenon NMR
Luni-solar periodic components in precipitation data