Trap models with vanishing drift: Scaling limits and aging regimes
Trapezium Multiple Systems (Salukvadze, 1978)
Trapping in the random conductance model
Traveling waves and homogeneous fragmentation
Traveling waves of selective sweeps
Travelling Randomly on the Poincaré Half-Plane with a Pythagorean Compass
Treatise on Probability
Treatment of star catalog biases in asteroid astrometric observations
Tree and grid factors of general point processes
Tree based functional expansions for Feynman--Kac particle models
Tree polymers in the infinite volume limit at critical strong disorder
Tree-indexed processes
Tree-valued Fleming-Viot dynamics with mutation and selection
Tree-valued resampling dynamics: Martingale Problems and applications
Trees and asymptotic developments for fractional stochastic differential equations
Trees and matchings from point processes
Trees, not cubes: hypercontractivity, cosiness, and noise stability
Trend to equilibrium and particle approximation for a weakly selfconsistent Vlasov-Fokker-Planck equation
Trends to equilibrium for a class of relativistic diffusions
Trends to Equilibrium in Total Variation Distance