Quenched invariance principle for the Knudsen stochastic billiard in a random tube
Quenched invariance principles for random walks on percolation clusters
Quenched invariance principles for random walks with random conductances
Quenched large deviation principle for words in a letter sequence
Quenched large deviations for diffusions in a random Gaussian shear flow drift
Quenched large deviations for Glauber evolution with Kac interaction and Random Field
Quenched large deviations for multidimensional random walk in random environment with holding times
Quenched large deviations for multidimensional random walk in random environment: a variational formula
Quenched large deviations for random walk in a random environment
Quenched law of large numbers for branching Brownian motion in a random medium
Quenched limit theorems for nearest neighbour random walks in 1D random environment
Quenched limits and fluctuations of the empirical measure for plane rotators in random media
Quenched limits for the fluctuations of transient random walks in random environment on Z
Quenched Limits for Transient, Ballistic, Sub-Gaussian One-Dimensional Random Walk in Random Environment
Quenched limits for transient, zero speed one-dimensional random walk in random environment
Quenched Lyapunov exponent for the parabolic Anderson model in a dynamic random environment
Quenched nonequilibrium central limit theorem for a tagged particle in the exclusion process with bond disorder
Quenched Point-to-Point Free Energy for Random Walks in Random Potentials
Quenched scaling limits of trap models
Queue lengths and workloads in polling systems