On a directionally reinforced random walk
On a distribution in frequency probability theory corresponding to the Bose-Einstein distribution
On a flow of operators associated to virtual permutations
On a flow of transformations of a Wiener space
On a forward-backward stochastic system associated to the Burgers equation
On a fractional linear birth--death process
On a functional contraction method
On a general many-dimensional excited random walk
On a general theorem for additive Levy processes
On a generalization of the Itô-Wentzel formula for system of generalized Itô's SDEs and the stochastic first integral
On a generalization of the Itô-Wentzell formula for system of generalized Itô's SDE and the stochastic first integral
On a Gibbs characterization of normalized generalized Gamma processes
On a high-dimensional nonlinear stochastic partial differential equation
On a link between a species survival time in an evolution model and the Bessel distributions
On a Lower Bound for the Time Constant of First-Passage Percolation
On a model for the storage of files on a hardware I : Statistics at a fixed time and asymptotics
On a model for the storage of files on a hardware II : Evolution of a typical data block
On a multivariate version of Bernstein's inequality
On A New Class of Tempered Stable Distributions: Moments and Regular Variation
On a new probabilistic representation for the solution of the heat equation