Markov property of determinantal processes with extended sine, Airy, and Bessel kernels
Markov property of monotone Lévy processes
Markov selections for the 3D stochastic Navier-Stokes equations
Markov Transitions and the Propagation of Chaos
Markov-modulated Brownian motion with two reflecting barriers
Markov-Tree model of intrinsic transport in Hamiltonian systems
Markovian bridges: Weak continuity and pathwise constructions
Markovian embeddings of general random strings
Markovian perturbation, response and fluctuation dissipation theorem
Markovian quadratic and superquadratic BSDEs with an unbounded terminal condition
Markovian stochastic approximation with expanding projections
Markovianity in space and time
Mars Exploration Program 2007 Phoenix Mission Landing Site Selection
Mars Global MHD Predictions of Magnetic Connectivity Between the Dayside Ionosphere and the Magnetospheric Flanks
Mars magnetic field: Sources and models for a quarter of the southern hemisphere
Mars Observer trajectory and orbit control
Mars Pathfinder Atmospheric Entry Navigation Operations
Mars surface sample return tradeoff studies
Mars' Ionosphere: Influence of Crustal Magnetic Fields and Solar Ionizing Radiation
Martin Boundary and Integral Representation for Harmonic Functions of Symmetric Stable Processes