Monte Carlo simulations with a generalized detailed balance using the quantum-classical isomorphism
Monte Carlo Tests of SLE Predictions for the 2D Self-Avoiding Walk
Monte-Carlo imaging for optical interferometry
Monte-Carlo simulation of a radiative transfer problem in a random medium - Application to a binary mixture
Monte-Carlo simulation of photon transport for optically thick, differentially moving plasmas. I. The argon He-like resonance- and intercombination lines.
More rigorous results on the Kauffman-Levin model of evolution
More Uses of Exchangeability: Representations of Complex Random Structures
Morphology for groups in the FIRST database (Proctor, 2011)
Morphology of NmF2 nighttime increases in the Eurasian sector
Morphometric Analysis of Martian Valley Network Basins
Most likely paths to error when estimating the mean of a reflected random walk
Motion in a Random Force Field
Motion of Jupiter's decametric sources in Io phase
Muller's ratchet with compensatory mutations
Multi-dimensional BSDE with Oblique Reflection and Optimal Switching
Multi-Dimensional G-Brownian Motion and Related Stochastic Calculus under G-Expectation
Multi-dimensional Gaussian fluctuations on the Poisson space
Multi-excited random walks on integers
Multi-level Monte Carlo for continuous time Markov chains, with applications in biochemical kinetics
Multi-objective calibration of forecast ensembles using Bayesian model averaging