Mixed Poisson approximation of node depth distributions in random binary search trees
Mixed States Markov Random Fields with Symbolic Labels and Multidimensional Real Values
Mixed stochastic differential equations with long-range dependence: existence, uniqueness and convergence of solutions
Mixed-mode oscillations and interspike interval statistics in the stochastic FitzHugh-Nagumo model
Mixing and hitting times for finite Markov chains
Mixing of the symmetric exclusion processes in terms of the corresponding single-particle random walk
Mixing of the upper triangular matrix walk
Mixing Time Bounds via the Spectral Profile
Mixing time for the Ising model: a uniform lower bound for all graphs
Mixing time of critical Ising model on trees is polynomial in the height
Mixing time of exponential random graphs
Mixing Time of Glauber Dynamics With Parallel Updates and Heterogeneous Fugacities
Mixing Time of Metropolis Chain Based on Random Transposition Walk Converging to Multivariate Ewens Distribution
Mixing time of near-critical random graphs
Mixing Time of the Rudvalis Shuffle
Mixing time upper bound for the uniformized Rosenthal walk on the special orthogonal groups
Mixing times are hitting times of large sets
Mixing times for Markov chains on wreath products and related homogeneous spaces
Mixing times for random k-cycles and coalescence-fragmentation chains
Mixing times for random walks on finite lamplighter groups