Microscopic shape of shocks in a domain growth model
MicroSensors Systems: detection of a dismounted threat
Microstructural Investigations of the Cosmochemical Histories of Presolar Grains
Microswarm structure of a meteoric complex beyond an ecliptic plane
Mid-latitude ionospheric scintillation fading of microwave signals
Mid-ocean ridge sulfide deposits: Evidence for heat extraction from magma chambers or cracking fronts?
Migration of Asteroidal Dust Particles
Migration of comets to near-Earth orbits
Migration of Interplanetary Dust Particles
Mild Solutions for a Class of Fractional SPDEs and Their Sample Paths
Milstein's type schemes for fractional SDEs
Mimicking an Itô Process by a Solution of a Stochastic Differential Equation
Mimicking the marginal distributions of a semimartingale
Minilensing of multiply imaged quasars - Flux variations and vanishing of images
Minima in branching random walks
Minimal $f^q$-martingale measures for exponential Lévy processes
Minimal configurations and sandpile measures
Minimal elements of stopping time $σ$-algebras
Minimal Energy Transfer of Solid Material Between Planetary Systems
Minimal position and critical martingale convergence in branching random walks, and directed polymers on disordered trees