Loop-Erasure of Plane Brownian Motion
Loop-free Markov chains as determinantal point processes
Loss network representation of Peierls contours
Loss networks
Loss of tension in an infinite membrane with holes distributed by Poisson law
Loss rate for a general Lévy process with downward periodic barrier
Loss rates and time scales for sodium at Mercury
Losses in M/GI/m/n Queues
Low Density Periods in the Solar Wind
Low energy collisions between ground-state oxygen atoms
Low Mass X-ray Binaries in Elliptical Galaxies: Connection to Globular Clusters
Low noise limit for the invariant measure of a multi-dimensional stochastic Allen-Cahn equation
Low-mass stars and brown dwarfs in Praesepe (Baker+, 2010)
Lower bounded semi-Dirichlet forms associated with Lévy type operators
Lower bounds for boundary roughness for droplets in Bernoulli percolation
Lower Bounds for Bruss' Odds Problem with Multiple Stoppings
Lower bounds for tails of sums of independent symmetric random variables
Lower bounds for the density of locally elliptic Itô processes
Lower bounds for transition probabilities on graphs
Lower bounds of martingale measure densities in the Dalang-Morton-Willinger theorem