Load optimization in a planar network
Local alignment of Markov chains
Local and global survival for nonhomogeneous random walk systems on Z
Local and global well-posedness of SPDE with generalized coercivity conditions
Local asymptotics for the time of first return to the origin of transient random walk
Local behavior and hitting probabilities of the Airy1 process
Local behaviour of first passage probabilities
Local Bootstrap Percolation
Local Brownian property of the narrow wedge solution of the KPZ equation
Local central limit theorems in stochastic geometry
Local Characteristics, Entropy and Limit Theorems for Spanning Trees and Domino Tilings via Transfer-Impedances
Local degree distribution in scale free random graphs
Local distribution of sporadic meteoroids based on geocentric velocities /A model problem/
Local Energy Statistics in Directed Polymers
Local estimation of the Hurst index of multifractional Brownian motion by Increment Ratio Statistic method
Local fields, Gaussian measures, and Brownian motions
Local Gaussian fluctuations in the Airy and discrete PNG processes
Local Hölder regularity for set-indexed processes
Local Ignition in Carbon/Oxygen White Dwarfs - One-zone Ignition and Spherical Shock Ignition of Detonations
Local independence of fractional Brownian motion