Line-by-line computation of the atmospheric absorption spectrum using the decomposed Voigt line shape
Line-of-sight percolation
Lineage-through-time plots of birth-death processes
Linear Analysis of Infrared CO Spectra
Linear and quadratic functionals of random hazard rates: an asymptotic analysis
Linear Cover Time is Exponentially Unlikely
Linear filtering of systems with memory
Linear functions on the classical matrix groups
Linear Lower Bounds for $δ_c(p)$ for a Class of 2D Self-Destructive Percolation Models
Linear Phase Transition in Random Linear Constraint Satisfaction Problem
Linear SPDEs with harmonizable noise
Linear speed large deviations for percolation clusters
Linear State space theory in the white noise space setting
Linear Statistics of Point Processes via Orthogonal Polynomials
Linear Stochastic Differential Equations Driven by a Fractional Brownian Motion with Hurst Parameter less than 1/2
Linear stochastic differential equations with functional boundary conditions
Linear stochastic systems: a white noise approach
Linear stochatic differential-algebraic equations with constant coefficients
Linear versus non-linear earthquake location and seismogenic fault detection in the southern Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy
Linear-fractional branching processes with countably many types