Limit theorems on large deviations for semimartingales
Limit theorems on locally compact Abelian groups
Limit theory for planar Gilbert tessellations
Limit theory for point processes in manifolds
Limit Theory for the largest eigenvalues of sample covariance matrices with heavy-tails
Limit theory for the random on-line nearest-neighbour graph
Limit velocity and zero--one laws for diffusions in random environment
Limitations on intermittent forecasting
Limiting behavior of a diffusion in an asymptotically stable environment
Limiting behavior of relative Rényi entropy in a non-regular location shift family
Limiting behavior of the distance of a random walk
Limiting behavior of the search cost distribution for the move-to-front rule in the stable case
Limiting behaviors of the Brownian motions on hyperbolic spaces
Limiting distribution of last passage percolation models
Limiting distributions for a polynuclear growth model with external sources
Limiting distributions for additive functionals on Catalan trees
Limiting Distributions for Sums of Independent Random Products
Limiting dynamics for spherical models of spin glasses at high temperature
Limiting laws associated with Brownian motion perturbated by normalized exponential weights I
Limiting laws associated with Brownian motion perturbed by its maximum, minmum and local time II