Function-valued stochastic convolutions arising in integrodifferential equations
Functional central limit theorems for a large network in which customers join the shortest of several queues
Functional central limit theorems for vicious walkers
Functional CLT for random walk among bounded random conductances
Functional ergodic theorems of site-dependent branching Brownian motions in R
Functional Inequalities and Subordination: Stability of Nash and Poincaré inequalities
Functional inequalities and uniqueness of the Gibbs measure -- from log-Sobolev to Poincaré
Functional inequalities for heavy tails distributions and application to isoperimetry
Functional Inequalities for Particle Systems on Polish Spaces
Functional Inequalities via Lyapunov conditions
Functional integral representations for self-avoiding walk
Functional Ito calculus and stochastic integral representation of martingales
Functional large deviations for multivariate regularly varying random walks
Functional limit theorems for Levy processes and their almost-sure versions
Functional limit theorems for Lévy processes satisfying Cramér's condition
Functional limit theorems for linear processes in the domain of attraction of stable laws
Functional limit theorems for random regular graphs
Functional limit theorems for renewal shot noise processes
Functional limit theorems for sums of independent geometric Lévy processes
Functional macroscopic behavior of weighted random ball model