Free point processes and free extreme values
Free probability for probabilists
Free Probability Theory
Free Quadratic Harness
Free Regular Infinite Divisibility and Squares of Random Variables with $\boxplus$-infinitely Divisible Distributions
Free space optical communication flight mission: simulations and experimental results on ground level demonstrator
Free Subexponentiality
Free transport-entropy inequalities for non-convex potentials and application to concentration for random matrices
Free-differentiability conditions on the free-energy function implying large deviations
Free-Knot Spline Approximation of Stochastic Processes
Freedman's inequality for matrix martingales
Freezing transitions in non-Fellerian particle systems
Freidlin-Wentzell's Large Deviations for Stochastic Evolution Equations
Frequency and time dependence of the Jovian decametric radio emissions - A nineteen-year high-resolution study
Frequency Estimation, Multiple Stationary Nonsinusoidal Resonances With Trend
Frequency of Weak Stellar Showers of Oort Cloud Comets
Frequency shift in Fourier analysis
Frequent points for random walks in two dimensions
Fringe detection methods for very long baseline arrays
From a large-deviations principle to the Wasserstein gradient flow: a new micro-macro passage